England’s fattest towns, where four out of five adults are overweight or obese, have been revealed in a new MailOnline…
The acting commissioner of the Social Security Administration has quit after a disagreement with Elon Musk over the ‘First Buddy’…
By JAMES TAPSFIELD, POLITICAL EDITOR FOR MAILONLINE Published: 13:14 GMT, 14 February 2025 | Updated: 20:26 GMT, 14 February 2025…
Tech giants Microsoft and OpenAI are reportedly investigating whether data output from the ChatGPT maker’s technology was secretly taken by…
England’s burgeoning cancer crisis was today laid bare in MailOnline’s dossier of interactive data.Experts have long demanded urgent action to tackle…
Major supermarkets including Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Morrisons, Lidl and Asda have failed hygiene inspections, MailOnline can reveal. Sixteen stores scored zero – the worst…
Banks are taking advantage of a legal loophole to ‘fleece’ fraud victims, MPs will be told.Under guidelines devised by the…
By ANDREA HANLEY FOR DAILYMAIL.COM Published: 18:02 GMT, 16 January 2025 | Updated: 18:06 GMT, 16 January 2025 A tech…
Bowel cancer rates are rising quickest among adults in their early 40s, MailOnline analysis shows.Experts admit they are baffled by…
England’s stark Ozempic divide was today laid bare in a revealing map that shows how prescriptions for the slimming jabs…